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Ser Super Sônico utiliza Som & Movimento como ferramentas para a Transformação.
Super Sonic Being uses Sound & Movement as tools for Human Transformation.
Alma Mater do Ser Super Sônico, Marise é uma arquiteta de formação e inquieta artista e visionária com mais de 20 anos de sólida carreira internacional como DJ e Performer, curadora e dinâmica empreendedora de festivais e eventos do mundo da Música, Cultura e Bem-Estar, atuando na Europa, América Latina, Emirados Árabes e sul da Ásia. Possui diversas formações em Yoga (RYT500++ da Yoga Alliance), Meditação e Sound Healing realizadas na Índia.
Alma Mater from Ser Super Sônico, Marise is an architect by training and restless artist and visionary with over 20 years of solid international career as a DJ and Performer, curator and dynamic entrepreneur of festivals and events in Music, Culture and Wellness in Europe, Latin America, United Arab Emirates and South Asia. Marise had done several teacher trainings in Yoga (RYT500++ with Yoga Alliance), Meditation and Sound Healing in India.
Conduz contagiantes DJ sets , M.O.V.E ™ Ecstatic Dance Workshops, palestras e mentorias, onde partilha de forma coerente e sensível, sua vasta experiência nos campos da música e do movimento, aliados a fundamentos da ciência e conhecimentos profundos da natureza humana _ corpo, mente e espirito em práticas ancestrais e emergentes.
Conducts contagious DJ sets, M.O.V.E ™ Ecstatic Dance Wokshops, lectures and mentoring, where she shares in a coherent and sensitive way, her vast experience in the fields of music and movement, combined with the foundations of science, in-depth knowledge of human nature _ body, mind and spirit, in ancestral and emerging practices.
Marise é aluna do Mestrado em Artes Musicais da Univesidade Nova de Lisboa, cuja tese em desenvolvimento estuda a conexão entre Música e Movimento.
Marise is a Master Degree's student in Musical Arts at Nova University of Lisbon and her thesis studies are about Sound & Movement.
Djiiva* 's music is a trip around the world filled with rhythmic influences from Brazil, Africa, Latin America, the Middle East and India, result of her travelings experiencing several cultures.
Electronic Music with soul and without borders, based on groove and feminine flow, contagious, sweet and magic.
Marise aka djiiva* is currently based in Lisbon and has been touring worldwide in the last 23 years, performing in clubs and festivals in cities like Berlin, Shanghai, Ibiza, Dubai, Goa, Rio de Janeiro, Barcelona, Beijing, Beirut, São Paulo, Abu Dhabi, Paris, Brussels, Bogota, Geneva, Istanbul, Madrid, London, Buenos Aires, Lisboa, Salvador and many others.
M.O.V.E is the acronym for Moving Organically your Vital Energy _ Ecstatic Dance Workshop _ developed and guided by djiiva* alma mater of Ser Super Sonic project, experienced DJ with more than 20 years moving bodies around the globe plus with 1.000 hours training in Yoga, Meditation & Sound Healing graduated in India and USA.
M.O.V.E is a body practice nourished by lineages such as Ecstatic Dance, Gaga Dance, Glorious Body , Yoga, Moving Meditation, among others, and is a deep inner dive revealing the magic of our unique rhythmic expressions.
In two hours, the session combines movement, great music selection from the four corners of the world, meditation and sound healing. The goal is increasing your vitality, releasing tension, and offering support to the rich journey of opening the windows of our self - developement through the body.
"My extensive career as a DJ driving bodies and providing moments of ecstasy and liberation for thousands of people on dancefloors around the world , plus all the yoga, meditation and sound healing trainings have equipped me to offer a curation of therapeutic practices and programs that use Sound & Movement as an antidote to appease life's tensions modern, opening internal spaces for transformation and healing, as well as mentoring, inspiration and education for female artists with the ELAS _ Electronic Sisterhood."
Inspired by service and guided by intuition, Marise creatively manifests tailored programs at the micro (personal) and macro (groups and organizations) levels.
ELAS is an alliance of women+ in the electronic arts.
An exchange network with focus in empowering and give visibility to electronic artists through curatorships, events, mentoring, talks, workshops and micro agency for talented women+.
We aim to make our community strong, raising awareness regarding gender gaps in the industry.
Desperta . Circula . Vibra
Awake . Circulate . Vibrate
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